J. K. Rathi & Co., Company Secretaries


Valuation Services

Mr. Jitendra Kumar Rathi is a Registered Valuer under Securities or Financial Assets category with Insolvency bankruptcy Board of India vide Registration No.: IBBI/RV/03/2021/14208.
He is into practice since 2018 and has advised many clients in Valuation, Amalgamations, Corporate Structuring, Tax & Audit. His clients include Start-Ups, NBFCs, Publically Listed Companies, Stock Broking Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Service Industries, Real Estate Companies, etc.
We also facilitate a valuation report from SEBI Registered Category I. Merchant Bankers. Listed companies require from Merchant Bankers under various regulations. For unlisted companies under Income Tax Act, Merchant Bankers valuation reports are required to arrive at “Fair Market Value” under the discounted cash flow method (DCF Method).
He advises clients in the following areas:

  • Valuation of Equity Shares/Preference Shares for private placement, preferential or right issue basis.
  • Valuation of Business / Firm.
  • Valuation of Intangibles such patents, copyrights, technical knowhow, franchise agreements, etc.
  • Valuation of Shares under Companies Act, Foreign Direct Investments, etc.
  • Valuation of Goodwill.
  • Valuation for Swap Shares in case of Amalgamation.
  • Valuation for Startups.
  • Valuation for Brands.
  • Valuation of Intellectual Property.
  • Valuation of Software.
  • Valuation of Debentures.
  • Valuation in case of Take Over of Companies.
  • Valuation of Shares for Transfer Pricing under Income Tax.
  • Calculation of Fair Value as per IND-AS / IFRS/ Accounting Standards.
  • Valuation of Venture Capital.
  • Valuation Of Mergers and Demerger.
  • Valuation Of Land Building and Plant and Machinery.
  • Valuation of Insolvency and bankruptcy (ABC).
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